Sunday, October 30, 2005

Group Policies


The primary purpose of this group is to provide a fun environment for our members to team up and play City of Villains together. To that end, all members are expected to behave with decency, repect, and integrity. All members will also strive to maintain a healthy relationship both with other group members and with the general City of Villains population. All things considered, we consider this game to be more fun without drama.

We do plan to participate in PvP from time to time, but PvP is entirely optional for our members.

We are not a dedicated RP threat group, although we would be happy to host RP teams and events if our members are interested.

No begging for infamy, experience, or promotions.

Ranks and responsibilities

There are 5 ranks in the threat group. From lowest to highest, they are:
Cannon Fodder
New recruits. All new members are on automatic probation for one week. We do this to give both the recruit and the current members a chance to meet each other and decide if it's a good match or not.

Full members. Behave with honor, integrity, and respect. Remember, we have evil characters but do not tolerate evil players.

Kidney Puncher
Organizes events, runs teams, and generally does things to help the group do things together. Kidney Punchers may also invite new Cannon Fodder to the group.

In addition to the duties of a Kidney Puncher, Enforcers are responsible for keeping the group running smoothly, recruiting new members, and handling promotions/demotions as necessary. These are the people to contact if you have want to invite a friend, have a problem with a member, or otherwise need help with some sort of issue within the group.

Evil Genius
Threat group founders. Has all the responsibilities of an enforcer. Also responsible for base construction and maintenance. Handles any issues dealing with other SGs or players.

Recruiting and promotion

Any member with recruiting powers are welcome to invite new members to the group. All new members should be pointed to our blog to review the group policies and say hello.

Cannon Fodder->Slacker
Doesn't piss anybody off during their probation by begging for infamy, promotions, etc. Follows threat group policies and gets along with current members. Has been a member of the VG for at least one week. Requires nomination by a full member and approval by an Enforcer (possibly the same full member).

Slacker->Kidney Puncher
Demonstrates an interest and ability in organizing and running TG events (mission teams, arena events, and so on). Requires nomination by a Kidney Puncher or above and approval by an Enforcer (different from the nominator) or above.

Kidney Puncher->Enforcer
Requires approval of two current Enforcers or above.

Enforcer->Evil Genius
Requires a 2/3 vote of active Evil Geniuses. Do not expect this to happen.


If an Enforcer believes that a player has violated the letter or spirit of our policies then they may demote that player back to Cannon Fodder, placing them on a one-week probation again. Cannon Fodders who violate the spirit or the letter of these rules will be removed from the supergroup. (Thus, two violations will be required for full members to be expelled.) Repeat offenses by full members may result in immediate expulsion at the discretion of the enforcer. All decisions by Enforcers may be appealed to an Evil Genius.

In all cases, the Enforcer should make sure that the player understands the reasons for their demotion or expulsion. If the player objects to their decision, the Enforcer should refer them to an Evil Genius.


Being inactive for 15 days or more will result in automatic demotion. After 45 days of inactivity, members may be removed from the group without warning. Any Enforcer can reverse automatic demotion or reversal at their discretion. If you know that you will be away from the game for more than 15 days, it would be greatly appreciated if you would notify an Enforcer ahead of time.

Alternate characters and other supergroups

Each full member is initially allowed three characters in the supergroup (regardless of the number of accounts that player owns). Alternate characters may not hold a rank higher than Kidney Puncher. If and when the group runs out of room, both new and existing alternate characters may be required to move to a second allied threat group.

Prestige and supergroup mode

All members are required to be in supergroup mode while participating in any official supergroup event. All members are highly encouraged to be in supergroup mode otherwise in order to help build our prestige; however, we understand that at higher levels this will not be always possible.


We are in the process of building a base for our threat group. All members are encouraged to make suggestions as to how to build the base; however, all actual construction will be done by Evil Geniuses.


Members are always expected to act with integrity, honor, and respect toward their fellow player. In PvP, the following behaviors are prohibited without securing prior permission (implicit or explicit) from the other players involved:

  • harassing other players either through chat or repeatedly attacking them

  • exploiting game bugs to attack other players who by game design should be unattackable

  • attacking members of this threat group without their consent

Interpretations and changes to this policy

Only an Evil Genius may overrule the decision of an Enforcer. Changes to these rules must be approved by a 2/3 majority of Evil Geniuses, subject to a veto by a majority of the full members.

Tags: admin_ intro_


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good, I love the way you explicate.

Few comments: title "slacker" just doesn't seem that evil. I like enforcer though. Note that whenever I say "evil" is VG context, I mean comic book evil (like world domination), not real world evil (like rape, murder, diet coke, etc.)

Team symbol & colors: I just kind of set these up in haste, so maybe if any of the leaders want to discuss a change, bring it up. Personally, I was sort of thinking that the letter "E" might be a better (and comic-book-cornier) VG symbol than the fist.

I also suggest limited the # of enforcers - we've got 5 EG's, so maybe 5 is enough for enforcers as well?

I can't believe how much prestige it is just to get the teleporter set up. Yeesh!

10/31/2005 10:44:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

How about Lacky/Henchman/Boss/Enforcer/Evil Genius as the title progression?

I forgot to include anything about belonging to other SGs -- I was going to say that multiple SGs are fine, but non-main characters can still only be 1st two ranks.

Upon reflection, it might be a good idea for Kidney Punchers to be able to invite members -- you'd still need an enforcer to be more than a provisional member, though.


10/31/2005 01:51:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

BB, I'm partial to the fist myself. It reminds me of cheesiness. As for the ranks, I don't mind what name we go with. I do like Evil Genius for us though.

10/31/2005 07:34:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

You forgot the one where "an Evil Genius may do whatever the hell they want, regardless of the rules!"

But uh yeah, seriously looks fine to me. Comments:

lackey/henchman/boss/enforcer lacks personality and character IMHO, personalized and possibly wacky titles I think are the way to go. The only ones I'm partial to out of our current set is EG and KP (because punching people in the kidneys is mean!).

Maybe Cannon Fodder is a better title than Trash Recep? No other title ideas at the moment.

As for alts, well we all know I'm an altaholic, so I'll try and keep mine to a minimum - I've done pretty good so far with the focus thing! Mostly I was just inviting my alts (and trying to remember to remove the old ones) so we could earn more prestige. I would remove Burning but I'm attached to having the character with the oldest join time :P.

Invite privs for rank 3 sounds good. They should have to clear it with someone higher though perhaps? Basically I just want to avoid inviting any alts of that one guy on accident. That guy we had to kick I forget his name, he someone got an alt into Pulp Fiction too at one point though. Not gargawhatever, but the guy who had the 50 and was always farming and advertising farming...bleh what was his name.

11/10/2005 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Remember that with the rank structure, we automatically have people on probation for a week. Only Enforcer+ can promote people out of probation, so it isn't really that big of a deal if somebody sneaks in. Basically, I think it would be a good thing if we made joining the group at least provisionally as easy as possible. The screening process can be stricter if necessary.

11/10/2005 11:11:00 AM  

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