Sunday, November 20, 2005

Alt Stalker Teaming Sun 8pm EST

For those of you interested in a slightly different CoV experience, we're going to be starting an all-stalker alt team. The goal here is not to just have a SG full of stalkers, but rather to have a group of characters that we can use to easily group with people of different levels. After brief discussion with King Venom and Lord Conquerer, we decided that having an all-stalker team would make for some interesting possibilities. Keeping in mind that the goal is to have an alt group that stays closely in level to each other, here's what I have in mind:

  1. Everybody plays a stalker, but there are no restrictions on origin, costume, powersets, or build.

  2. All members will belong to an allied SG tentatively named "Hidden Evil" (pending availability). The allied SG will follow the same guidelines as Team Evil, except that there is no restriction on the number of characters per player.

  3. In order to keep everybody as close together as possible, all members agree to play their characters only in one of the following situations:
    1. There are at least four members of the stalker group teaming together. This way, even if four members are higher level than the remaining ones, we can still LK up to a full team of 8.

    2. You are lower level than the highest level stalker in the group. In other words, you can catch up to the highest level stalker, but once you are even with the highest level stalker you should stop playing that character.

    3. You are doing something that doesn't earn exp, whether standing around chatting, getting exploration badges, or malefactoring for influence.

We would designate one night of the week to be stalker night in order to make finding a four-person team easier. Hopefully, if we can keep the characters close enough in level, we can even try to sync our contacts together.

Since the respec SF is currently bugged and we're putting Silver Mantis off until next week, I propose making this our Sunday night even for this weekend. The goal would be to see how feasible this is and to advance through the low levels. I'll be trying to put a team together so we can start Kalinda's missions at 8:30p EST -- please bring a level 2 stalker fresh out of Breakout. If this is too short notice, we'll try again later in the week.

Any thoughts?

Edit: Due to OC being sick, he'll be online tonight so we may try Silver Mantis after all. I nominate Wed night for this -- how's that work for people?

Tags: hiddenevil_


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