Sunday, October 30, 2005


Go Team Evil!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

You spelled w00t wrong. And Go Team EviL! :)

10/31/2005 09:20:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...


That word verification thing is annoying, but necessary I understand.

Would requiring people to register be worse than requiring them to register for a board?

10/31/2005 01:57:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Probably not, but my guess is that many people won't even go that far.

10/31/2005 05:34:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Yep, will probably just be the usual suspects kicking up a ruckus :P.

11/01/2005 02:28:00 PM  

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