Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Base Editting and Design

I went ahead and gave all ranks temporary base editting privileges so we can all play with the base editor for a bit. I went ahead and stuck in some decorative stuff -- feel free to edit anything that's currently there. All prestige is completely refundable, so don't worry about spending it. Know that this free-editting period is so you can play around with the editor and will be restricted once we have enough prestige to start making the base functional.

I think that to encourage members to earn prestige we should consider granting personal space eventually. One of the social rooms could easily be designated a bunkroom, and we could allot space out of it for personal design based on the amount of prestige earned for the TG. There are a lot of details that would have to be worked out for this, but it'd be pretty far off in the future anyway.

Tags: base_


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