Friday, November 11, 2005

Base Update

Last night, we finally got sufficient prestige to place the infirmary and a resurrection circle. When you are defeated, you should now have the option to resurrect either at the hospital or the base. If you resurrect at the base, you should be able to exit the base either right outside the door of your mission (if you died in a mission) or approximately where you died (if you died outside).

The next goal is to get a workshop build and a basic worktable. This will run 100k for the room and 25k for the table. We currently have 35k banked, so we will hopefully get this working by the end of the weekend. This will almost tap out our available control, so the next goal after that will be to buy a bookshelf at 106k. This will double the amount of control available and allow us to work towards the other five worktables.

The other option is to build a teleport room, but judging from people's comments in SG chat, you'd all rather be able to do something with your salvage.

Edit: Okay, I overestimated both the control requirements and the amount of time required to earn prestige. Basic arcane and tech worktables are now in place, allowing you to refine your salvage and craft a few items. Although you are welcome to craft whatever you like, I would not recommend actually making anything beyond components as the crafted items are either useless to us at this time (like all the base defense stuff) or too expensive to place (like everything else). Next goal: Increased control. We're currently at 45/50, and I'd like to put up a bookshelf, which costs 106k. After that, we can either build more workshops, add a mission computer, or build a teleport room.

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...

Woot! I got the honor of placing the rez portal, though without everyone helping, even that would have been impossible.

I plan on playing most of the weekend in helping to push towards the goal of getting a worktable, as I'm close to maxing out many of my salvage types.

Excellent job Team EVIL!

11/11/2005 11:23:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

We're now just shy of 60k banked. At this rate, we may be able to place the workshop room tonight and the table tomorrow.

11/11/2005 03:18:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be on just as soon as I get home. I definitely want to play with the work table because I didn't really get to in beta. I cant wait to see what I can do with it.

11/11/2005 04:05:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Grooovy. Although - I've seen some recipes posted and most were obscenely expensive, so the fact that we have a worktable and/or salvage seems somewhat negligible. I wouldn't mind that 1.5 million computer that you get for the mentoring badge that gives access to the 21-25 SF...

On a lighter note - I think I shall celebrate our functioning rezzer by christening a new alt or two to break it in this weekend!!! Need to remind myself to remove Burning and promote King though

11/11/2005 04:45:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, just screwing around with the salvage yesterday, I accidentally ended up with the mission computer. I thought there would be some sort of confirmation ("Are you sure you want to build this item with your salvage?" or something along those lines), but there was not. It is 75k to place i believe.

11/12/2005 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Yeah -- I ended up with three mission computers before I figured things out. Oh, well.

The control item isn't very good -- costs somewhere between 90k and 100k and gives 25 control. A bookshelf is 106k for 50 control.

11/12/2005 08:47:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Does the rez thing work for anyone else? It was putting me & Lord out all over the map last night, anywhere but near the mission.

11/13/2005 06:42:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The one time I got to use it, it just threw me randomly back out in Nerva (I did die there). I was greatful for this though, be cause I came out of my mission and was instantly ganked by a 3+ Boss. So, needless to say, when it placed me between that mission door and the ferry, I wasn't complaining.

11/13/2005 08:50:00 AM  

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