Monday, November 07, 2005

Base & weekend update

I purchased the mainframe last night - now all we need is 160k for the medical room (150k) and transporter (10k)! Almost there guys! Your next alt will thank you for earning that prestige when they have the benefit of a teleporter to get back to missions.

I had a great time this weekend grouping with everyone, old and new alike. We ran the level 15-20 Strike Force twice on Saturday with great results - that last mission is murder on MM's though! Gotta love pets that try to kill stationary burn patches (lava)... The AV himself was no pushover, but not in any way "hard" - it was the map that was the killer there. At least you can see the map this time! (The Hollows trial uses the same map, but the map is hidden.) I do apologize if I was a little more bitchy than usual, I shouldn't be letting my RL stress leak over.

Member levels are moving along nicely with a nice distribution - we have several low & mid twenties now and a good smattering of teens and lowbie alts as well. Something handy I found - if you are looking for a quick xp fix - try hazard zone door missions - they are very short and the reward is 25% higher. The Siren's Call missions have been one of two sorts so far - plant 2 bombs (very annoying because bombs make no noise!) and a defeat all that also requires a hostage lead out. Handy thing is the hostage is a rad/rad who will fight for you, happily slaughtering his allies...

Tags: base_ events_


Blogger Unknown said...

It's all good, Pal. I'm sure we all had fun this weekend. Unfortunately, I missed the Strike Forces, but alas, I'm sure there will be another time.

It's good news about the base though. My only problem with the PvE missions in the PvP zones is the one that is a defeat all/escort. That end boss is MURDER on me. Everytime I tried one of those, she/he would kill all my pets, then be perma aggro'd on me. Lead to debt EVERY time. Oh well.

I know I had tons of fun, and where I have to help a friend move this week, I plan on seeing everyone in the Rogue Isles. Who knows, maybe I can even may 26 by the end of the week?

Also, I vote for a workshop after we get our base infirmary up and running.

11/07/2005 03:24:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Dude. Read the poster's name, that was me not P. :P

Yeah that boss at the end was a bitch, she killed me the first time before I figured out a little smarter pulling - I use my tfoe to clean up all her minions, and then distract her with my tier ones, who may or may not eat it, while debuffing.

Here is one place poison actually has an advantage - once I get the second weakness stacked on her it is over. Over over. For you I would suggest force bolting her into oblivion, or using the phase power to hold her while cleaning up the minions.

26 is doable - I made 1.5 levels last night in like 3 hours soloing. Those missions I just mentioned are the easiest way, they should be doable for you on heroic. Seriously - force bolt for teh win! If not, paper missions/contact arcs are good too. I found that just duoing or soloing is actually faster than teaming since teams will have the inevitable snafu, or wait for other players, or whatever. Fun, but not what I want to do all the time. Especially with 5 mms worth of pets running around. Muh hahahah!

11/07/2005 04:15:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

While teaming under ideal conditions is better xp then soloing under ideal conditions, my experience has been that "ideal conditions" are far easier to engineer solo than in a team. CoV ATs don't have nearly as much synergy as CoH ATs, and that really takes away a lot of the efficiency of teaming with respect to xp.

Then again, this could just be a reflection of the composition of the teams I've been on. For some reason, they mostly seem to be full of Masterminds....

11/07/2005 08:07:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Masterminds are filthy, dirty, and need to bathe!

But yeah...CoV has something that is not quite the opposite of synergy but is close - EVERYONE does damage, and no one really seriously controls aggro (unless a brute actually takes taunt) or can survive aggro (unless you are playing with a level 38+ stone brute). Lots of minor aggro control with doms & mms, but nothing on the level of (pre-i5) controllers, tanks and even scrappers.

The hazard missions I mentioned are assigned by the first (only?) contact you will see right when you walk in. Well, there are two in BB - one that gives the zone wide mission and another that gives the patrol & door missions. This was the same in Warburg, and in SC I'm not sure what the second contact/zone wide mission is, but there is at least the guy I was referring to right when you get off the chopper.

On a lighter note - I think there will be "more" syngergy once the # of MMs in a group drops off to 25% of the group or less. But, like, not with me around it won't! :)

11/07/2005 08:16:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I'll get my MM to 40/50 then retire him (using him only as a badge whore). I started a Stalker last night (don't worry, hes only level 2, not really any prestige missed out on lol) and found that at level 2 I could one shot guys. I literally about wet myself. After the first, I was impressed, but when I did it successfully 5 times in a row, my wife was tellin me to calm down. :O)

It's going to be a hard choice as to what I'll play next. Not sure to continue my brute or play my new stalker.

I guess because of that Ideal Engineering that Pal does with missions is why he didnt respond to my requests for teaming the past night. Oh, I'm sure he'll blame it on "base redecorating", but we all know the truth now!!!11!!1!!! >:) Just messing with you Pal.

I had fun with my MM in beta, but even after spending ALL of my inf on 16 SOs, my robots respond better, but they still leave much to be desired. COME ON LEVEL 26!!!!

11/08/2005 09:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and forgot to say it in my last post, but sorry Lob. It had been a long day for me, and I was a bit confused when I posted that. I realized it was you later, but I didn't see a way to edit my post.

But, um, i meant it like, buddy, pal, u know... Yeah, thats what i meant... :OÞ

11/08/2005 03:35:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Dude. I am always confused, you know the drill. :)

Man, xp is moving a lot faster than I thought it would on an MM. I really should do something different next so I have an outside source for comparison, but I'll probably be doing a dual MM bot team. M U hAHAHA!

Hopefully oni tonight!

Oh, and the pet damage fix went in - this should be bigger news for pre-26 robots & mercs than it is for me (since those groups use their upgrade attacks more). But, it's a nice damage/accuracy boost that we were due for anyway.

11/08/2005 07:07:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Handy base calculator spreadsheet here:

Oh, and ONI POWA! Well, it's not overwhelming, but it sure is fiery!

11/09/2005 12:59:00 PM  

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