Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cathedral of Pain

So, I took Bal (well, Balshor1, technically) on Lady Sadako's (well, Lady Sadako3, technically) run through the Cathedral of Pain trail to get an item of power. Here's what I learned:

The goal of the trial is to destroy three obelisks in order to open the portal to the Cathedral of Pain. Once inside, you need to defeat Rularuu.

The trial is level 50. If you are below level 50, you will be auto-sked to that level. There is supposed to be a limit of 24 characters in the trial, and it seems that you really want three teams for this.

The trial is also on a 60 minute timer.

The obelisks are located on an outdoor map done in the style of the Storm Palace. The portal is on an island in the center, the obelisks are each on a separate island surrounding the portal island. All of the islands seemed to be connected by bridges and close enough to use superjump.

Each obelisk is surrounded by natterlings of various sorts (mostly minions with a few lts). Also, there is a large box next to each obelisk that spawns wisps, elementals, and eyeballs. The obelisks are protected by shields which can be taken down by defeating the spawns from the boxes. The natterlings apparently heal the obelisk, and they respawn whenever the shield does.

All three obelisks need to be destroyed before the portal to the Cathedral of Pain will open. The obelisks respawn, so you need to coordinate the teams to take them down near-simultaneously.

Once the portal is open, everybody enters the Cathedral of Pain, which looks like the interior of the Chantry or Storm Palace (with the dark purple lighting). Inside are three more of the boxes that spawn wisps/eyeballs/elementals. The box in the back also has Rularuu, an AV, by it. The goal at this point is to take out Rularuu, which was pretty easy with 20+ heroes mobbing him.

At that point, the trial completed, and we now had a +1% XP item of power sitting in our vault.

All in all, it seemed a pretty easy trial.

For Lady Sadako's review of the trial, see this post on the Training Room forum.

Tags: guides_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Staggerlee -- depends if the spawns scale with team size or not. We were up against multi-boss groups, and we not only had to defeat them but also hit the obelisk a bit before they respawned. I think we have around 20ish people when taking down the obelisks...not sure I would want to try it with 15.

Mie -- you can stack IoPs. So, if you get multiple fury monuments, for example, you can get higher than the base +1% XP.

11/18/2005 03:28:00 PM  

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