Wednesday, November 16, 2005

King Venom's mission info list

Since I'm prevented from doing my missions for a while (bugged mission door), I figured now would be a good time to post the mission info I've got so far. This is only rough/unedited, but it might prove useful. Check out the first comment on this post - I don't want to post it on the main page because it is fairly long.

Please feel free to add any info you may have, if possible please put it in roughly the same format - or just include mission short desc from the nav bar, extra goals, map type, enemy types, and if there are temp powers/badges awarded. Usefull stuff like that.

Tags: guides_


Blogger Andy said...


a) Speak with archmage Taraxus [SI]
b) Find Mystic artifacts [martial] - large warehouse - carnies
c) Offer artifacts to powers [CaD] - large oranbega - cot

Seer Marino, Mercy Island
1) Talk to Operative Oudot [BB]
2) Uncover Paolo's true fate [MI] - Find Surveillance, find more information - trashed office - lost
-> 15 TOs available
-> phone after return
3) Get records, leave no witnesses [MI] - Find Wretch's files, destroy security computer - arachnos lab - arachnos
4) Steal research from Legacy Chain [MI] - 3 books to research - red office - legacy chain
-> 15 DOs available ?
5) Protect Ohanko [MI] - Free Ohanko, Remove body, Defeat base leader - arachnos lab - arachnos
6a) Warn Ghost Widow [MI] - arachnos lab - arachnos
6b) Speak with Arbiter Diaz [MI]
7) Rescue the Wretch [MI] - Defeat Mu'Rakir - arachnos lab - arachnos


Billie Heck, 6-10
1) Defeat all Verandi intruders [PO] - Rescue Emil Marcone - red office - mooks
-> phone after return
2) Kidnap Vanessa Verandi [PO] - Assist Pitbull, Get Vanessa out of cargo ship - boat top and interior - mooks - elite boss (bloody vicious)
3) Get reward from warehouse [PO] - Defeat all ambushers - ruined warehouse - hellions/mooks - low cons
-> enhancements
4) Capture Guido "The Mooch" Verandi [PO] - warehouse - mooks/hellions - elite boss (guido verandi)
5) Defeat Bloody Vicious, Pitbull, thugs [PO] - Defeat Bloody Vicious [boss] & thugs, Defeat Pitbull [lt] & thugs - red office - mooks

Mr. Bocor
end or l12: introduce: The Radio

The Radio, PO, level 10-15
1a) Steal Outbreak from Lost [PO] - sewers - lost
1b) Drop off the canisters of Outbreak [PO] - 4 drop-off points - outdoor city - longbow
*BADGE: Plague Carrier*
2) Take out Wyvern Financier [PO] - red office - wyverns
-> phone after completion
3) Bust up Legacy initation [PO] - 4 things to steal, defeat initation boss - red office - legacy chain
A) Beat Wyvern Rep for info [CaD] - Beat Wyvern rep - red office - wyverns
B) Force Tech to get codebreakers [PO] - Kidnap technician, take tech to computer - arach lab - arachnos
C) Get the Hit List [PO] - Steal list, 3 research files, beat guardian - red office -
5a) Learn spy identity [PO] - Find spy identity, defeat spymaster - council caves - council
5b) Catch Council spy, or not [PO] - catch the spy - arach labs - council


*Get the Sonata CD [PO] - warehouse - mooks
*Kidnap Haxx0r [PO] - warehouse - goldbrickers

Rob the Hook & Anchor [PO] - casino - security guards


*Defeat Joey Hamburger & Guards [CAD] - red office - mooks
*Get the Dagger of Erishkigel [Cad] - brown cave - snakes
*Get the membership list - red office - mooks
*Kidnap RJ - red office - hellions
*Defeat Gamuche & guards - warehouse - mooks
*Get the treasure map - sewers - cot

Boris the Russian:
*Get the loot [CaD] - bank - RIPs
*Rob the speakeasy - speakeasy - rips

Dr. Shelly Percey, CAD, 10?-15
l16 -> introduce Marshal Brass
1a) Find the Nictus - council caves - council
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Shadow Step (teleport): 2 hour duration,
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Gravitic Emanation: cone kb, disorient, slow: 2 hour duration
*TEMP POWER: Nictus Absorbtion: passive, res neg/nrg
1b) Have Nictus extracted [CaD] - lab - council
*NICTUS Powers removed
-> 10-15 TOs available
2) Defeat Hicks & his men [CaD] - Steal the equipment - arach lab - arachnos, luddites
-> Phone after completion
-> ?? available

Marshal Brass, CAD
1) Talk to Seer Marino [MI]

1a) Steel Rocket-pack from Brickers [CaD] - Steal Rocket-pack - warehouse - goldbrickers
1b) Get Rocket-pack to Dr. Flammond [CaD] - 90 mins - Find Dr. Flammond, escort Dr. Flammond out - arachnos lab - goldbrickers
-> 15 tech/natch DOs available
2) Defeat all Wyverns in base [CaD] - Find Wyvern's objective - arach lab - wyvern
-> phone after complete
3) Recover Amanda Vines [CaD] - Find Vines, Prof. Echo - lab - shivans
-> ?? available
4) Kidnap workmen [CaD] - 3 workers to kidnap - outdoor industrial map - clockwork
5) Find truth about PTS [CaD] - Secure PTS data, Find Vines - arach cave - arach, wyvern
6) Destroy the generators [CaD] - 90 mins - 7 generators to destroy - outdoor cobblestone town - wyvern, arach



* Defeat Manhandle & Guards - red office - freaks
* Get Henri's Cross - sewers - cot
* Kidnap Kerry Killen:
- red office - council - *BUGGED: KILL BOSS not hostage
- warehouse - lost
* Kidnap Luke - sewers - sky raiders
* Kidnap Arbiter Armstrong - warehouse - sky raiders
* Get the Claw of Doom - brown cave - tsoo
* Defeat Flying Dragon & Guards - brown cave - tsoo
* Kidnap Jesse Montoya - sewers - cot
* Defeat Veratzu & guards - sewers - cot
* Kidnap Gigabyte - sewers - council
* Get hacker codes - Get the hacker codes - warehouse - freaks - click + kill all in room
* Defeat Connor & guards [SI] - red office - lost


* Defeat all security (chum bucket) [SI] - rob the safe - bar casino - security guards


Vince Dubrowski, 20-25
1) Talk to Operative Massey [Sirens]
2) Defeat all Freaks at Hellforge [SI] - 6 crates to recover - outdoor forge - freaks
1) Seek clues to disappearance [SI] - brown cave - cot
2) Kidnap problem scrapyarders [SI] - 4 leaders to kidnap - sewers - scrapyarders
3) Negotiate with Circle [SI] - 3 circle mages to rescue - scrapyarders - tunnels - [pets]
-> XX available
4a) Get info in the Pit [SI] - Defeat 10 scrapyarders
4b) Recover stolen arms shipment [SI] - 4 weapon crates to recover - abandoned warehouse - scrapyarders
5a) Talk to Crash Cage [SI]
5b) Recover the shipment [SI] - 8 crates to retrieve - new warehouse - arachnos, slag golems
*BADGE: Slag Reaper
5c) Return shipment to Crash [SI]
-> introduce: Crash Cage
6) Bomb Scrapyarder cell [SI] - 5 bombs to place - warehouse - scrapyarders
7) Stop safehouse boss & his men [SI] - abandoned office - scrapyarders - boss is an 8k hp DESK

Crash Cage, 20-25
1) Steal the Coral [SI] - 4 shards to steal - warehouse - cage consortium guards, arachnos - entering arachnos ambushes
-> introduce: Diviner Maros
2) Talk to Mr. Bocor [PO]
-> 20/25 mag/natch DOs
3) Defeat all Arachnos in base [SI] - oranbega - arachnos & cot & cot portals
4) Take shard to Mr. Bocor [PO]
-> ?? available
5) Talk to Vince Dubrowski [SI]
6) Kidnap Leonard Sykes [SI] - red office - cage guards
7) Defeat all Legacy Chain [SI] - brown cave - legacy chain, cot
8a) Talk no Vince Dubrowski [SI]
8b) Steal the crystal [SI] - oranbega - cot

Diviner Maros, 25-30
*ARC: *
1a) Speak with Tarixus [SI]
1b) Defeat Circle in cavern [SI] - brown cave - cot - freak pet
2a) Steal Citadel's plans [SI] - lab - sky raiders
2b) Take plans to Council [SI] - council caves - longbow - council pet,
-> 25 mag/natch DOs & 25 magic SOs available
3) Get Coral for Maros [SI] - brown cave - slag golems, ?freakshow?
-> phone after finish
4) Strike Freakshow cultists [SI] - abandoned warehouse - freaks
-> ?? available
5) Defeat Metal Shift [SI] - freak warehouse - freaks - elite boss pet Barracuda
6) Force info from Legacy Chain [SI] - red office - legacy chain
7) Destroy shaper cult [SI] - freak warehouse - freaks - ele
8) Stop Calystix [SI] - water cave map - freaks & coralyx AV
2) Steal Theron's devices [PO] - longbow base - longbow
3a) Steal scroll of Tielekku [SI] - abandoned red office - BP
4a) Get scroll from Legacy [SI] - red office - legacy chain
4b) Beat all Circle & Warrions at Deal [SI] - warehouse - circle, warriors



*Defeat Dretch & guards - brown cave - cot
*Defeat Officer Waynewright & Guards - lab - skyraiders
*Kidnap efficiency expert - brown cave - tsoo
*Kidnap Dr. Montrose - sewers - lost
*Defeat Zeke & Guards - sewers - lost
*Get Isis' Staff - brown cave - tsoo
*Get Shard of Serafina - sewers - skyraiders
*Defeat Pharason & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Arista & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Teramis & guards - sewers - cot
*Defeat Jag & guards - warehouse - freaks
*Kidnap Giovani Morricone - red office - freaks
*Defeat Zeke & guards - warehouse - lost,rikti
*Kidnap Dizzy - red office - sky raiders
*Kidnap Larry Croft - sewers - cot


*Get the loot -
wood panelled bank - rips
light grey panneled bank - rips - rip minion pet

Lt. Demitrovich, NA, 25-30
1) Rescue Huntsman Davros [NA] - 75 mins - red office - longbow, arach [allies]
2) Place manifest on cargo ship [SI] - ship - wyvern, longbow [ambush]
-> 25 sci/mut DOs, 25 sci SOs available

1) Take out Lost leader & crew [NA] - sewers - lost, rikti
-> phone after completion
2a) Hunt Lost on Crimson Cove [NA] - Defeat 20 Lost
2b) Rescue Yushenko from Lost [NA] - warehous - lost
-> 30 sci SOs available
3) Steal blueprints and components [NA] - longbow base - longbow
4) Steal electronic components [NA] - lab - arachnos
5) Defeat Lt. Krieg & crew [NA] - warehouse - sky raiders, freakshow
*TEMP POWER: Nullifier Gun Prototye - 5 charges - -end, -rec, detoggle - gone after mish
6) Deliver Nullifier Gun to Arachnos [SI]
*TEMP POWER: Nullifier Gun Mk. I - 5 charges - -end, -rec, detoggle - gone after mish

4) Destroy cargo crates [NA] - ship deck & ship - longbow
5) Defeat Longbow agents [NA] - warehouse - longbow, family [pet]
6) Defeat Longbow on Nerva [NA] - Defeat 30 longbow

Darla Mavis, 25-30
*ARC: Aurora Fades*
1) Investigate in Crimson Cove [NA] - Defeat 10 Longbow
-> 25 mut/magic DOs, 25 mutant SOs
2) Defeat all Longbow agents [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> phone after completion
-> 30 mutant SOs available
3) Defeat Aurora Borealis [NA] - outdoor nerva map - longbow - hero: Aurora Borealis
*ARC: Power Mine*
4) Steal the Sapper research [NA] - big longbow base - longbow
5) Defeat all Lost in sewers [NA] - sewers - lost, rikti
6) Free Dr. Rossi [CaD] - arachnos lab - arachnos

Shadowy Figure, 25-29
1a) Get computer virus [NA] - (errand)
1b) Upload virus to computer [NA] - longbow base - longbow
-> 25 tech/natch DOs, 25 tech SOs
-> phone after return to contact


*Get the Golden Tortuga -


Virgil Tarikoss SF, CaD, 15-20
1) Defeat all Legacy in office [CaD] - Find ritual notes - red office - legacy chain
2) Find reason for Circle attack [CaD] - Find foreman, defeat attack leader & crew - outdoor industrial map - cot
3) Take book and stop investigator [CaD] - Take Journal, Defeat investigator - red office -
legacy chain
4) Find Circle plan with Bat'Zul [Cad] - Discover Circle plan, Defeat Circle Librarian - oranbega - cot
5) Steal barrier piercing knowledge [CaD] - lab - longbow
6) Bind Bat'Zul [CaD] - 5 altars remaining, Bind Bat'Zul - hollows Trial map - bat'zul, cot

11/16/2005 11:31:00 PM  

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