Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Proposed Merger

After talking with a few members of the VG about it, I would like to propose a merger between our alt group, Hidden Evil, and my brother's VG, The Silent Hunters.

The Silent Hunters is an all stalker group. Our same rules and ethics would still apply. If everyone is agreeable to this, I will arrange the terms (to make sure that our ranking members get rank and a say-so, etc) and we can continue with this.

Tags: politics_


Blogger Andy said...

MMM. Are we that serious about this that we want to merge with someone? I thought it was more of a 'for kicks' kind of thing. I wasn't expecting a base or anything for this VG (we made it for over a year in CoH without one, I'm sure we can get by fine here without one).

But on that same note, I don't care either way. Although I sort of lean towards just keeping it as an alt sg, so that it is an obvious alt sg with ties to our main sg. Hmm, so I guess I do sorta care. Damn!

11/22/2005 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Can't say I feel too strongly one way or another about this. I mentioned this to Mav based on having a bigger pool of stalkers to draw upon, since it seems that we might not be up to running an 8 person team on our own. On the other hand, I see what Lobster says about having ties to the main SG.

Do what you will, folks -- I'm happy either way.

11/22/2005 12:59:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I hadn't really thought about it like Lob, but that's what this was for and I completely see the point. I really don't care either way...

11/22/2005 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

In all honesty, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of just a coalition...

11/23/2005 10:10:00 AM  

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