Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Quick base update

The four basic/advanced crafting tables are back up with enough control to keep both them and the two teleporters active. Note that to use a teleporter, you will need to zoom the camera in close enough to be inside the teleporter, then click on the computer. The blue swirly field is currently blocking mouse clicks. The teleporters are currently set up to take you to Mercy Island, Port Oakes, Cap au Diable, or Sharkhead Isle.

We are very close to exhausting the potential of our inital plot. About all we can do on our current plot is add a third teleporter to Nerva and St. Michael. Doing this will require upgrading the current teleport room at a cost of 450k, plus the placement cost of the teleporter itself and two beacons. The upgraded teleport room will also be able to eventually support a raid teleporter.

Once this is done we can start saving for a base plot upgrade. The smallest upgrade available will cost just over 3.3 million prestige, so it will take a while to get there. (By comparison, our current base is probably worth around 1.5 million total.) We'll also will be maxed out on control with the third teleporter, so we'll probably add another database (106k) before upgrading the plot. (Small point of upgrading if you can't add anything useful to the base.) With an upgraded plot, we can expand our current workshops to support the expert tables, add a vault for base raids, and do all sorts of other nifty things.

So, don't expect to see too much happening with the base in the near future, but we do have big plans for the prestige you all are earning.

Edit: I neglected to account for the 5 control cost per teleport beacon. We'll need another database before we can add the third teleporter, so that's next on the list. We're actually almost there -- as of a few hours ago, we were only 26k short.

Tags: base_


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