Saturday, November 19, 2005

Quick note: Weekend events

Just a fast note: due to RL issues, Omicron Cypher will probably not be able to make it online Sunday night, so we're putting off the Silver Mantis SF until another weekend. However, we'll still run a SF at 8pm eastern -- either respec or one of the standard ones. Exactly which one will be dependent on the participants levels. As inf earning through rsk was part of the original plan, we'll likely be trying to target the 20-25 range, although 25-30 is also possible. Feel free to post in the comments with suggestions of exactly which SF you would like to do.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Due to being terribly sick, I'm locking myself in my office for the duration of the baby shower. I WILL, therefore be available to help with a SF.

11/20/2005 09:46:00 AM  

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