Sunday, November 20, 2005

Stalker group: Hidden Evil

Well, the all stalker group had a successful first night, getting through a little over half of the Mercy Island content. For those of you interested in joining this group, see this post for details. Currently, the highest members of the group are level 6, so feel free to play up to that point on your own if you like.

If you have any characters beyond the 3 allowed in the SG, feel free to add them to the "Hidden Evil" alt group. We're already in coalition with them, so it will be pretty easy to communicate back and forth between the two groups. Feel free to contact Lord Conquerer, King Venom, Omicron Cypher, or me for invitations.

Tags: hiddenevil_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll have to say that I had a lot of fun with the stalker group. It was a blast to go up and have us completely obliterate 5-6 targets leaving only one or two for us to clean up. I look forward to many more nights of this (as I hope to be 40 soon, and would love to build my stalker for PvP).

11/21/2005 01:30:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Hmm, maybe "Team Evil: Alpha Strike" would have been another name we could have used. I'm looking forward to being able to take a team of 8 stalkers and completely neutralize 2 bosses and 4 lts in a group, leaving only the minions wandering around as easy prey...

11/21/2005 06:19:00 PM  

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