Monday, November 28, 2005

Upcoming Events

I'm going to be out of town this coming weekend, so I won't be able to organize events for then, but here are some things I'm thinking about for the coming week or two:

1) Team mixer night with the Arch Villains. Get to know our allies by running missions with them. We'll probably start out by meeting up at the base, then breaking into teams depending on level ranges, availability of LKs, and such.

2) Silver Mantis SF. This is for levels 20-25, requires membership in the SG, and has a minimum team size of 4. We can run multiple SFs in parallel if there are more than 8 people interested. My understanding is that this SF is comparable in length to the standard CoH TFMs, so the "standard" completion time is approximately 4 hours. If necessary, we can have a team that runs this "casual style" in two 2-hour blocks on different days.

3) PvP Night. As suggested by Staggerlee (Tormenting Soul), it would be fun to get a group together and check out the new PvP zones. Siren's Call seems to be the best bet, but I'll leave the specifics for Staggerlee to decide. See this post for any details/comments on PvPing.

So...any ideas for other events? Any suggestions for scheduling?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

I would love to do the Silver Mantis SF and even a bit of PvP. As for scheduling, I'm not picky. I just want to spend plenty of time grinding OC.

Also, another photo safari might be fun.

11/28/2005 12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Okay, so PvP in a couple of weeks on Sunday sounds good -- I believe that's December 11th.

How about Silver Mantis for Wednesday or Thursday night?

11/28/2005 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Oh, yeah -- Lost. Okay, let's say Thursday. What's the earlest we can start? Is 7pm Eastern too early for anybody? If so, do we have enough on each coast to run an early group and a late group?

11/28/2005 11:03:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If its on thursday, i wont be able to do it unless its 10:30 EST or later...

11/29/2005 05:05:00 PM  

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