Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Recent Comments Links in Sidebar

As you can hopefully see, the sidebar now contains links to the ten most recent comments to the posts on the front page of the blog. This blog is like the base -- constantly being tweaked. I have some good resources on how to implement categories for posts, so hopefully that will happen <statesman> soon </statesman>.

If anybody has other requests for features and such, feel free to ask for them. Obviously, no promises on implementation.

Edit: I'm going to be experimenting with a few category methods -- ignore anything that looks category-like for the time being, and I'll post a consolidated list of new blog features when I settle on a method.

Tags: blog_


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, now I'll be a lot more happy about using the blog. I've always been partial to forums, but this will work for me now!

Now that you have submitted to my request...
**Waves hand in jedi-like manner**
We should rename Team Evil to Nekkid Evil!


12/07/2005 09:53:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Sounds like a good name for the alt sg...I still like the idea of Hidden just being for stalkers. Nekkid can be for anyone who wants to get nekkid...

12/07/2005 03:37:00 PM  

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