Sunday, December 18, 2005

Team Evil 4 t3h w1n!

We're currently #6 in the most prestigious SGs (hero or villain) on Pinnacle. #1 is currently very secure, #2 and #3 are contesting each other, #4-7 are all within 500k, and #8 is a good 600k below #7. Here are the top 7 groups:

  1. Jagged Legion (10,016,097) -- Pinnacle's most prominant and controversal group from way back. No surprise here, especially since they decided to focus on their heroes instead of migrating over to CoV.

  2. World Wide Evil, Inc. (6,673,685) -- Tazz's VG, and one of our coalition partners. Grabbed a lot of the veteran ex-heroes from Pinnacle.

  3. The Twilight Avengers (6,572,474) -- Think Jagged Legion, but from Guardian server. Moved settled on Pinnacle as a villain group mainly to contend with JL.

  4. The Establishment (4,860,890) -- Friggin' Taser's villain group. The darker, evil side of Carl and Sons.

  5. -- The Impossibles -- (4,484,043) -- One of the established hero groups on Pinnacle. Don't know too much about them, but they've been around for a while.

  6. Team Evil (4,342,259) -- Us! If you don't know us by now, you will never, never know us...

  7. Descended (4,320,698) -- No clue who these people are.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

We rock like dead bodies on a ferris wheel!

We'd be doin even better if we could get the prestige from Hidden Evil too....

12/20/2005 12:55:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

If we were really serious about it we'd make those alt-a-holics switch their characters in and out. But, considering that we don't have anything functional to add to the base and that I don't think we're planning on trying to defend an IoP, slow growth to a more decorative base is okay with me.

I fully expect group #7 to overtake us over the holidays if they haven't already -- they were pretty close last I checked.

12/20/2005 01:52:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

IOP = Item of Power.

To gain an item of power, you base must have a vault with an available IOP base, at least 6 dimensional anchors (1 per room), and one or 2 other things (i think).

To get an IOP, you must complete a trial. This trial is available for 5 days, then not available for 55. Durring those 5 days, you can get up to 5 of each type of IOP. They only increase stats by 1%, for a possible 5% increase. Durring the 55 day period, you must protect your base from raiders (trying to steal your IOP). Durring this, stuff can be destroyed. At the end of the 55 days, regardless of if you have kept your IOP or not, ALL IOPs are lost (returned to the trial).

Basically, IMO, the risk DEFINITLY outweighs the reward. Only 5 days every 2 months that you can get some (barring raids). They only BARELY begin to up your stats. You have to defend your base against other teams,and possibly lose items that you worked so hard to get. Then, to top it all off, after all that work, you are going to lose it anyway. Doesn't sound like fun to me.

12/21/2005 12:50:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

That basically parallels my analysis, OC. For those of you interested in participating in base raids, I suspect that WWE would be happy to allow us to instant-raid their base so they can practice defending. (Instant raids are the arena version of base raids -- nothing everything is restored to its original state afterwards.)

Unless we want to give up one of our PvE teleporters, we're pretty far (as in needing another one or two million prestige) from having an IoP-ready base anyway.

12/21/2005 05:49:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, top 5 would be awesome, but I think it's awesome that in all of Pinnacle, we're even in the top 10! :)

12/22/2005 06:42:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

If you want to get into and stay in the top 5, we'd have to either all become a lot more serious and hardcore about this game (which I don't think is really something we want to require), we'll have to do a lot more character and alt shuffling (which is kind of a pain), or we have to move out a lot of the more inactive characters and start recruiting more heavily (something I'm not so hot at). Or we could just be happy with the prestige earnings that we have. I'd tend to go with the last option, but if anybody wants to get one of the other three going, I'd be willing to work with you on it.

12/23/2005 12:20:00 AM  

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