Saturday, December 03, 2005

Warning: Respec possibly broke again looks like they broke the level 24-33 respec again. We (me, LC & a random) made several attempts at the final room last night, here's the deal. The nav bar with vine info only displayed for one member out of our 3 member team (LC) the first time, and one member out of 4 the second time. Both times it was the same person, and not the leader.

Then, to make it worse (this is where the broke comes in), at one point his counter just went away, like it does when you finish the vines part. However, we still could not damage the AV, so the vines part had not been completed. On the bright side, we did make it all the way to the vines with the difficulty set on vicious the first time before we realized we couldn't hurt the AV very much (he was actually taking damage then though, so this bug is not 100%) and had to restart at villainous.

We wasted a while trying to kill all the vines without a counter, and then checking on the AV then eventually gave up in disgust. So, this is your heads up, attempt the trial at your own risk.

Edit: I have no idea why this appears underlined, it is does not in the post preview...

Edit by Palcioz: Fixed the underlines.

Tags: bugs_


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