Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Base Update

First, a quick reminder: don't place any personal items in the base unless you're willing to have them deleted. We don't really need any of the personal items currently available, and we're saving up our prestige for the next base expansion.

We're less than 100k short of our base expansion target. We'll be upgrading the plot to the 8x12 size, then rearranging some rooms in order to free up some additional prestige. (For example, we can save 150k by purchasing three smaller teleport rooms instead of the large secure one we currently have.) We'll also be upgrading the energy room in preparation for eventually purchasing the turbine generator and eventually adding an additional workshop and the remaining two arcane tables.

This expansion is the last step in completing the non-raid portion of the base. As base raiding seems to be a rather unattractive proposition at the moment (loss of prestige/salvage, poor balance, etc), my current thoughts are to put future prestige earnings to decorative and social rooms. If people are interested in base raids, we can either arrange instant raids with other SGs or upgrade the base later for IoPs and such.

Tags: base_


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