Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Caleb Spawned!

This was pretty much a non-event. Over 200 villains (and one level 50 CuppaJoe hero) gathered in Nerva for this hunt, spawning multiple instances of the zone. We spread out and cleared out all the spectral demons we could find. At dusk, Caleb spawned in the water north of Thorn Island. Villains swarmed, and he was down before half of us could even fire a shot.

I didn't get any screenshots of him (I was only there about 10 seconds before he was defeated), but I did pull his demo tag (Nerva_Caleb) out of the demo I recorded. If you want to see what he looks like, try grabbing this editted demo file. To play it, create a copy of your game shortcut, add -demoplay in the command line (outside of any quotes, separated from what's there by a space), and drag-and-drop the demo file onto it. He's not that impressive -- basically looks like a spec demon lord with some crystal things sticking out of him.

All in all, that was the most anti-climactic thing that we'll see in this game until the Anniversary raid on Sunday. :)

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Err, yes there is, but I had incorrectly marked it as happening on Saturday. Thanks for prompting me to fix that error.

2/01/2006 03:53:00 PM  

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