Saturday, January 28, 2006

On Test: Updated Paragon Dance Party...and more!

The most recent update to the test server revamped the Paragon Dance Party -- it's now accessible to both heroes and villains, allowing them to team up inside and hang out together. There's a thread on the official forums if you want to chat about it. There's speculation that the presence of portals and reclaimators in the PDP indicate that there will be a joint hero/villain strike force located there in the future.

I've poked around a bit in the game files, and it appears that they've also added a few badges. It's uncertain what is required to get them or whether they're even active, but here they are:

Never Seen
Heart of Light / Heart of Darkness
Red Cap
Handsome / Beautiful

My guess? "Never Seen" is a badge you get for hanging out in the PDP for a sufficiently long time (ie, you're never seen in the real world), which unlocks a contact there. The Heart of Light/Darkness badges are the rewards for completing the task force. No clue about the others.

Update: Here are the Handsome/Beautiful, Heart of Light/Darkness, and what I think is the Toothbreaker (Snaptooth) badge. The icons indicate that HoL/D is probably for a SF and Toothbreaker is probably a kill badge. I'm guessing that Red Cap and Snowbeast are new gladiators, and I have no clue what Never Seen looks like.

Handsome / Beautiful

Heart of Light / Heart of Darkness

Tags: misc_


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