Sunday, January 08, 2006

Recruiting, Inactivity, and Silver Mantis

The supergroup is currently at the 75 member maximum, but quite a few of these players have 3 weeks or more of inactivity. So, on Thursday, I will be removing the following characters from the group:

Magma Phoenix (42 days without logging on)
Winny (37)
Hell Flame (37)
Wayne Statik (35)
Judicator Jones (31)
Bari (30)
Sarah Kerwyn (30)

The criteria for this list was the cannon fodders with over 30 days of inactivity, plus Magma Phoenix who will have over 45 days of inactivity by Thursday.

This will free up 7 slots for new members, and I will be holding a recruiting Silver Mantis SF on Friday at 8pm EST. Ideally, I'd like to see 4 SG members and 4 potential recruits, although if we get more people interested, we can always run two teams in parallel. I'll announce the event on the Pinnacle boards on Wednesday and see who bites.

If anybody has a reason why I should not remove any of the inactive characters, would like to come on the SF on Friday, or has other ideas about how we could recruit members, please feel free to reply in the comments.

Tags: admin_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be there for the SF. WX may want to accompany us, but she hasn't decided. I'll be there for sure though (unless of course, RL gets in the way, which it shouldnt).

1/09/2006 11:14:00 AM  

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