Monday, January 16, 2006

Respec Update

Okay, since the 16th is too soon, i have decided to make it Friday, January 20, at 8pm. i am leaving the door open to all lvls (i dont know the respec ranges), so anyone is welcome to join to whoever wants to have a respec on hand. i would like a lvl 40 to come with just for some help in the mishes (and also i dont know where the respec person is) so palcoiz, OC u r welcome to join us. the meeting place of the respec is near the ferry in Nerva, ill be there from 7:45 to 8:00 to start recruiting. i will announce when we are recruiting and so i can give people a heads up so they can finish a mish they started or for any other reason. please post if u r interested in joining.

PS Palcoiz, please put on the SG message of the day, the date, time and meeting place of the respec.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Some info for you:

The respecs are 25-30 and 30-40. The 25-30 contact is a demon on the far east side of the southern islands in Nerva. The 30-40 contact is a succubus on an island in a bay on the east side of Primeva (also in Nerva). Both are surrounded by Mu NPCs.

I'll try to come, although my schedule has become a lot more volitile recently (as some of you may have noticed).

1/16/2006 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, we'll do the 25-30 respec, im only a lvl 24 1/2, ill be 25 by thruday mabye friday. do u think we can lackey some of the little ones so they cant ag along?

1/17/2006 01:00:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Lackying will not allow somebody below the level of a SF to do the SF. The only thing lackying will do is allow people at the low end of the SF range to effectively team with people at or above the high end of the SF range.

1/17/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry it was just a thought, good news thou, i got XP severice pack 2 for my pc so i should be able to run it normally.

1/17/2006 06:38:00 PM  
Blogger Cobol said...


i got a new mobo (the onboard graphics are better than my old graphics card(changed from AGP to PCI-E)'s so sad)
since i reinstalled windows, i now have SP2!
more normal computer!
and i can transfer music from MY computer to my iRiver!

and i can do .Net programming!

word up!

1/19/2006 05:52:00 PM  

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