Saturday, February 11, 2006

1st Respec Trial

DeathBone and I will be running the first respec trial at 3:30 pm EST tomorrow (Sunday). You must be at least level 25 to join, and people higher than 30 will be auto-malfactored. Hope to see you there!

Update: Respec successful!

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

WX and I may be a few minutes late, but we're in.

2/11/2006 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work guys and congrats, sorry i couldn't have been there but i am working on my hero so i wont be in for a while until i get to lvl 50. but good work and congrats! i may host a TF or a respec sometime soon if anyone is up for it.

2/13/2006 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you mean that you did the first respec trial for the SG, FYI i already did that, not to sound mean but im just telling you. gratz again

2/15/2006 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Techmind, you were neither the first nor the last to "do the first respec trial for the SG". We have members with characters of very different levels, and we've been hitting the various respecs and strike forces repeatedly as characters level up into their ranges.

2/15/2006 03:25:00 PM  

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