Sunday, February 05, 2006

Upcoming Events

A few things, some server-wide and some for our group:

Tuesday, 10pm EST: Caleb raid on Test Server, led by CuppaJoe.

Wednesday, 8pm EST: Hidden Evil night. The current stalker level is 14, but we should have enough sk/rsks for a team of six.

Friday, 8pm EST: Weekly Siren's Call PvP Event. See this thread on the official Pinnacle boards for details. I'd be up for putting together a Team Evil group for this if people are interested.

Sunday, 3pm EST: Anniversary Hami raid. Technically not a CoV event, but I'm leading it, so I'll abuse my posting rights here to advertise. New-raider-orientation starts at 3pm EST in Eden, raid is targetted to begin at 3:30 EST from the south rock.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

I might be a bit late for Hidden Evil -- go ahead and start without me, and I'll try to catch up when I can get online.

2/01/2006 06:38:00 PM  

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