Friday, March 17, 2006

April's Fool

So in surfing the Pigg files today, I stumbled upon the following image:

I also found reference to a badge named "April's Fool", though this badge was named "badge_event_jester". Could there be an April Fools Day event planned?

Tags: badges_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Hmm...sounds probable. I'm guessing that the devs like to do events on the scale of the Valentine's thing, as it takes a minimal amount of new artwork (badges), lets them play with interesting mission structures, and doesn't really require any major changes to the game (like removing the 5th column or adding the Rularuu).

Of course, the ultimate irony would be if this badge didn't actually exist and was an April Fool's joke on the pigg hacker.

3/18/2006 12:42:00 AM  

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