Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Auto Assault

Well, I thought I'd spin this off into its own thread. How many of you are planning to get Auto Assault? I haven't touched the game since back before that huge revamp several months ago -- the game needed a lot of work back then, but it's been long enough for considerable improvement.

Basically, I'm wondering if the teaming situation is any better now -- convoying was pretty useless, and for me, teaming is the main reason to play MMOs....

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know if I'll get it. I haven't logged-in in months. I've been betatesting Space Cowboy (I'd rather fly than drive). Plus, I can't afford too many monthly fees. End of the month im moving to a larger (read, more expensive) apartment in my complex, so I may be out for a week as well.

3/08/2006 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

From my time in the beta of Auto Assault (playing up into the 30s as a Mutant Archon -- yeah, it was past the level cap at the time, but whatever), I thought the game felt like it would make a really excellent single-player game but a really poor MMO. It felt mostly like Morrowind meets Mad Max -- fairly engrossing quests (with a difficult-to-manage organizational system), fairly easy combat (meaning either trivial or impossible -- basically no skill involved), and a lot of driving around the wasteland. As per the original post, though, that was before they did a massive revamp of the game, and I haven't seen it since then.

I wasn't really planning on picking it up, but I'd be willing to give it a go if you all say that it's worthwhile. I think I agree with Staggerlee when he says that CoV isn't really what I wanted, but I might just be getting a bit tired of the whole CoX thing in general. I'm paid up with Cryptic for another few months, though, so I'll be around regardless.

Currently, my gaming time is mostly divided between SW:Empire at War (I was one of those few fans of SW:Rebellion, and this is much better) and Puzzle Pirates, the latter purely because they have a micropayment system that lets you play essentially for free. I'm definitely searching for something new, though....

3/09/2006 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well this is gonna be funny to most of you. since i got bored with COV/H i have been playing Starcraft. (i know i like it that much!) For those of you who dont know what Starcraft is, is was an RPG that came out back in the mid-90's, its still a great game though, for any of who who played it. But if any of you can give me an overveiw of what AA is about maybe ill look into buying it.

3/10/2006 07:42:00 AM  

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