Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Woo! Internet Access is Restored!

Sorry for the unexpected absense, but I spent the past week trying to get my internet access switched to my new apartment. You'd think that since it's the same building, you could just plug in the modem and go, but apparently there was some new wiring that had to be done or something like that. Apparently the previous tenant just shared access with one of the neighbors (there's CAT-5 running through holes in the wall, out the apartment, down the hall, and into somebody else's place), so the place was never wired for cable.

Silly old NYC building. Due to all the moving, I'm a bit behind in my research, but I should be back in-game shortly.

Hope the evildoing continues to go well!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Phew! I was worried Pal. Good to have you back!

3/08/2006 09:18:00 AM  

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