Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Monster Hunting Team

Any interest in pulling together a team to hit Deathsurge, Ghost of Scrapyarder, and Caleb later this week? I'd like to get a couple of people to help (they each require defeating a certain number of mobs around the zone) and open it up to the forums/PinnBadges channel to help raise the profile of our group.

Plus, badges! Mmm...badges...

Edit: Looks like we're tentatively scheduling this for 7pm EDT on Friday, with the 2nd respec trial afterwards. Feel free to post feedback on the schedule in the comments, and we'll try to find a good time for everybody.

Edit 2: Success! Deathsurge, Ghost of Scrapyarder, and Caleb all spawned and went down very easily. Respec went very smoothly, except for the +3 Greater Devoured one-shotting me.

Tags: events_


Blogger Andy said...

Damn! I miss everything. Curse you right-coasters!

4/21/2006 11:22:00 PM  

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