Monday, April 24, 2006

Proposal: Badge Hunting Contest

As part of our profile-raising campaign, I'd like to propose that Team Evil run a badge hunting contest for the server, perhaps in conjunction with CIT. Seeing how we're a villain group, this would be a villain-only contest for simplicity.

Here's how I see it working:

1) The contest is announced a few days before its start time. Contestants should create a new character and meet a TE player in Breakout at the appointed time, who will verify their badge-free status. This is to prevent people starting ahead of time. Players who wish to start late can join a specified global channel and link a screenshot on the blog with their character in Breakout and the MOTD of that channel.

2) Players will have some specified time frame (probably either 7 or 10 days) to gather as many badges as possible. Badges should be tracked on CIT, which will also allow players to see how they're doing compared to everybody else. (Perhaps a fake server could be used to classify people for this event?) Players are allowed to gather badges using any means available.

3) Points will be awarded based on the type of badge. For example: exploration = 1 pt each, history = 5 pts each, tier 1 mission badges = 10 points each, etc. Whoever has the most points at the end of the contest wins. We would use the CIT info to easily go through the contestants and verify the winning character's badges in-game. I could use some input on what a reasonable point assignment would be.

4) As prizes, I'm able to put up 2 million influence/infamy and pick of an HO (or possibly two) from my collection. However, since this could entail a fair amount of work on the part of the contestants, it'd be cool if we could up the prize pool with other donations. Maybe CIT would donate a small space on their home page for a headshot of the winning character and an appropriate caption?

5) It'd be cool to publicize this using the PinnacleBadges MOTD, too -- anybody know the mods there?

So, any thoughts?

Edit: Current prize pool:

1 million infamy from Grave Sorcerer
2 dmg/acc HOs from Mie
1 buff/end and 3 million infamy from OC
1 buff/end, 1 resist/end and 3 million infamy from me

That's 5 HOs and 5 million infamy total, so far. Since I7 is likely to hit test this week, let's try to schedule this to start when I7 goes live, so people can badge-hunt with their new alts.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds great to me. Talking to Volt about it now...

4/24/2006 03:53:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

He is in agreement. Let's do it! =]

We'll work out some details for the site, an go from there...

4/24/2006 04:02:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Awesome, Grave -- with 3 million infamy, we can do 1.5M+HO/750k+HO/750k for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

OC -- tell me when you determine what CIT can do for this contest.

4/24/2006 07:32:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm still trying to figure out how I want to handle it. I'll probably drop another field in the database that the player can set on one condition (if they are on Pinnacle). Then, we could probably whip up a special "stats" page that shows everyone involved and where they are as in badge count and point value.

Also, I finally have some Inf on OC, and where I'm trying to save it some, I'm willing to put 1mil in the pot as well. I would love to see a big turnout, and the more Infamy we throw around villain side, i think we'll have more people show.

When were you wanting to do this contest? We would need a little time to prepare. Also, we'll need the point values.

4/25/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Really, there seems to be a couple ways to pitch this: we could do it as a "while-you're-waiting-for-I7" kind of thing, or a "jumpstart your new alt with some infamy" kind of thing post-I7. The grey area is when I7 is on test but not yet live, when a lot of people would probably prefer fooling around on test to badge-hunting on live.

Really, it'd depend on how much time you need to get CIT set up for this -- announcing this next week and having the contest run from the 5th to the 14th would be cool, but if you need more time I don't mind pushing it back another couple of weeks.

Prize pool is up to 2HOs+2Minf from me, 1Minf from GS, and 1Minf from OC. I have a Ribo and a Cyto saved up -- I'll try to get a Nucleo drop, too, to add to the pot.

4/25/2006 12:30:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The only thing really holding us back is that we're in the process of giving the site an overhaul. We're moving from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0. We're almost done with this conversion, and then we'd be ready to go.

I'd like to get back into Hami-Raiding again as well. Maybe I'll have something else to put in the pot...

4/25/2006 03:35:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Maybe we should schedule this to coincide with the launch of the upgraded CIT?

On a side note, with the beta version of CIT, the graphics in the "affiliates" and "link to us" sections are overlapping (using both Firefox 1.0.7 on Redhat at work and 1.5 on WinXP at home). The text boxes with the HTML code in the "link to us" section also don't display vertical scroll bars despite having more lines than are displayed.

4/25/2006 04:01:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, thats a good idea.

I'm still trying to get Volt to be a bit more FireFox friendly. We'll have that fixed before the launch. Thanks!

4/25/2006 04:46:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Mie -- I'll put you down for 2 HOs "from your collection". If you have specific types you'd like to donate, please let me know. Don't worry about the influence...Balshor still has over 100M sitting on him, so I was planning to make any infamy prizes exchangable for influence using that.

Grave -- CIT is my abbreviation for "City Information Terminal", which is a site run by OC and Voltaic Shock where you can track your badges online. There's a link to it on the sidebar...I'm sure OC can give you a better description on what the site does.

OC -- a couple more quick things. I assume that you know that your forums are inoperable (or else I'd be posting the feedback there). Your RSS feed isn't valid XML (and I'm assuming therefore not valid RSS, but I don't know RSS very well). From a stylistic standpoint, "Donator" is valid, but "Donor" tends to be the more common synnonym (by a factor of about 138 based on Google). Is there someplace besides this blog that you'd prefer feedback to be sent?

4/25/2006 06:16:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Sweet, Mie...that will definitely help attract entrants.

4/25/2006 11:02:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Grave - Check out for more details.

Mie - Now you made it so I want to win!! =]

Pal - When have our forums been down? They still work great for me. We're removing the Donation section (probably). As for the RSS, I know it isnt valid, but most RSS readers can still read it. Not a top priority, but I'll eventually get Volt on it lol.

4/26/2006 09:41:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pal, not sure if you have access to a computer all day, but this just seems kind of clunky (doesnt post my messages for hours, etc).

Mind emailing me at, dropping me a PM on the CIT Forums, or IM'ing me at one of the following (whichever is best for you):

AIM - TheUltimateMav
Yahoo - seanandlydia

I have some ideas for the contest (and CIT's part in it). =]

4/27/2006 09:38:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I like the idea of having more categories for prizes than just "most points at the end". However, the trick is coming up with a good category that's unlikely to have more than one winner. I imagine that it would be somewhat difficult to do "first person with X badge".

On the other hand, with the right choice of badge(s), this could work out pretty well. I look forward to hearing the details from you.

4/27/2006 03:50:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I look forward to the details as well. Also, it would be pretty simple to see the first person with each badge because we store it in our database. =] When a badge is added, we also record the time.

4/27/2006 05:07:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I'd say that level 15 is a reasonable achievement in a week.

Looks like I7 is going to test this week, so we probably have 1-2 weeks before this contest starts. Looks like I need to start seriously farming infamy...I'm estimating 50k per solo Warburg mission. OC -- how are we doing on the CIT end?

4/30/2006 11:30:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Volt and I are currently trying to get the little bit of dev done on the site that we'll need. We'll definitly be ready to go by time I7 goes live, but I'm sure we'll test it (with all of us) before then.

5/01/2006 10:22:00 AM  

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