Friday, April 21, 2006

Silver Mantis SF

We'll be running the Silver Mantis SF at 4pm EDT on Sunday. There are 6 door missions based on some of the "unique" missions from CoH -- plan for 3-4 hours for this one. Please post in the comments if this time doesn't work out for you.

Tags: events_


Blogger Andy said...

Well, I can't make 1. But I'll get on as early as I can and hopefully people can be coerced into doing at again ;).

If not, maybe some weeknight 7-1030ish pacific? If I schedule ahead of time I might be able to do that.

4/23/2006 01:35:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Well, only Mie and I showed up, so it looks like we'll be rescheduling this for some later time. I'd still like to today if people log on, but I guess we'll just have to see....

4/23/2006 04:26:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The ONLY reason WX and I weren't there is because they decided to perform some Maint. on my cable Sunday. From the time I woke up, until about 10PM, I had no internet. I was REALLY looking forward to that SF as well. Plus, I need that badge....

4/24/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

...or character slots on the servers. I'm on the verge of sacrificing some more heroes on the altar of creating new villains.

4/25/2006 06:18:00 PM  

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