Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Any midweek events?

Sorry, Lobster...just crashed out. I'm not going bother to log back in tonight since it's bedtime anyway.

I'm going to a friend's wedding this weekend, but I'm pretty free tomorrow and on Thursday until midnightish EDT, in case anybody wants to run do casual SF in the evenings or just generally team during the day.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry that I havent been around much in the past week. Just needed a break and ended up having company anyways. I should be back in the Paragon/Rogue Islands area tomorrow. =]

5/31/2006 10:19:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

No worries Pal :).

Lookin forward to omi getting back too!

As for what to do...I was thinking we could take a run at the 1st SF (or whatever one is 20-25) this week or weekend. Maybe over a few nights. NOTHING SERIOUS OR PRE-PLANNED! Just if we're on, start it up and finish it the next night. I'd like to use my corruptor (who I'm really enjoying!) to grab some of the SF badges for KV he's missing, in preparation for whatever TF Commander type accolade there is for villains.

I'd also like to get a respec out of the way maybe thursday or friday night? Pretty much just for the badge & so I have one banked on the corr.

Random infobit - I had a lot of fun the other night duoing my rad/cold with False's sonic/cold - we were pretty much brute-mages! /cold is lots of fun for duos. Not looking forward to large groups though and the chain buffage :P.

5/31/2006 12:02:00 PM  

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