Monday, May 15, 2006

Events Update

Silver Mantis: Well done, everybody. Somehow, I knew that our doom-and-gloom hype to Mav was going to leave us sputting, " was far worse last time we did it!" Not to mention various references to "uphill both ways" and "through shoulder-high snow with only Rikti monkey skins wrapped around our feet for protection."

Badge Hunting Contest: Well, we have a grand total of one entrant, whose badge score hasn't changed in a few days. I say we give him 10k for each point scored (so, figure around 200k). I'll pay this out from my portion of the prize fund, but...

Away from Game for a Bit: I'll be far away from internet access from the 20th until the 27th. I'll pass Mav a couple hundred thousand infamy for distributing prizes. Do we want to try to run this contest again when I7 hits and people are levelling up their new toons?

Since I won't be around next weekend, I obviously won't be organizing any SFs or such. Any volunteers to put one together?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks again for the SF!!

As for the contest. I say we call it off until I-7.

5/15/2006 01:19:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

I think the quote of the night goes to Mav with "I'm just glad I'm on a TE team so I don't have to think!" Or something to that effect. :)

SF went very well, always a blast to run these things with you guys! I would volunteer to run something, but you know how flaky my time commitments are ;). I wouldn't mind doing the 35-40 SF though...we shall see.

5/15/2006 04:13:00 PM  

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