Monday, May 01, 2006

I7 is on test.

Applying patch now...I have about an hour before heading out to dinner with friends, so I'll see what I can see.

Patch notes are here.

Update: Here's how it went:

Patched, DLed a new (small) patch, and patched again.
Logged on.
OMFG it's I7.
Zoned into Grandville.
OMFG, that's a tall building.
Looked at my UI.
OMFG, my inspiration tray is moving around on the screen all by itself! My computer is haunted!
Submitted bug report.
Grabbed a paper mission, entered door.

Welcome to the Test Server. :)

Edit2: Yay, the Task Force Commander badge is now active heroside. +5% HPs, access to shoulder epaulettes at the tailor.

Edit3: After reproducing the mission crash, logged on to Bal and headed over to RV. Best Zone Ever! Unfortunately, the server crashed before I could do more than play tourist. (And yes, it was worth it playing tourist back in Atlas Park.)

Okay, off to dinner -- see you on test or on live later!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Don't think I'm going to make it on tonight -- spent some time playing with the friends' cats after dinner and should probably be getting to sleep. I'll try to catch you all on test tomorrow, though -- send me globals (@Balshor) when you're on, and I'll keep an eye out of everybody.

On a side note, I suspect that the official boards are going to be a real mess for the next few days, so if you have any thoughts you'd like to share here, I'd be interested in hearing them.

5/01/2006 11:49:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I was able to create a Thug MM just intime to crash. I didn't get home til 7 last night, so that was bout the time the server went down until 11. After 10, i decided to go to bed and watch Aeon Flux.

If you find any more badges, I would appreciate if you popped by the Issue 7 forum we have at CIT and drop all the info you could possibly drop on us. Thanks!

And I'll be testing tonight. WOOT! =]

5/02/2006 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Man none of you guys were on Pinn last night it was lonely when I hit 40. :( I did get over to the test server a bit and got an elec/elec up to 2 to check out Jacob's Ladder (awesome!) and a thug mm up to 2 as well to try out dual wield (stupid name!). Thug & both elec sets look great (except for lack of immob protection in /elec, lacking kb I can deal with but lacking immob is silly).

Grandville looked nice, a little confusing with all the silliness inside the base, but cool nonetheless.

Patron Powers are basically a wash, just as "weak" as the hero ones and the pet's aren't perma, so I could sort of care less...But I am excited about my 2 new alts come I7. :)

@lobster is active on test if anyone is on tonight during my normal hours and I'm not on Pinn.

5/02/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Congrats indeed!

I'm not too excited about patron power pools anymore, but I am curious about the new SFs on test. Presumably there's a 40-45 one and the 45-50 (?) Statesman one.

So, who's planning on starting some new alts when I7 goes live?

5/02/2006 03:44:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

There are some (but not very many) sick new costume options. Check out the new crazy spiked shoulder plate things.

I'm definitely set for an elec/elec brute and a thug/ta mm once I7 drops like the funny little bomb that could like it will.

And I still have my stalker & corrupter to work on too. Whatever shall I do? I guess it's a good thing there are no new corruptor or dom powersets eh? That and I have zero desire to play dark/ as a stalker. Maaaybe /dark though....but that's for another year.

5/02/2006 06:02:00 PM  

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