Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New I7 base items

The new functional base items in I7 are the empowerment stations, a salvage storage item (150 salvage), an inspiration storage item (50 insps), and an enhancement storage item (100 enhs).

Currently, the empowerment stations aren't looking so hot. They require a lot of salvage to craft a single 15 minute buff. They come in tech/arcane varieties, and there are three different stations of each (similar to worktables). You can get the numbers on the salvage required for the first level buffs off of this thread.

The storage items look good. They cost 15k-25k each. The enhancement and inspiration storage items also consume some power/energy.

Unless there are changes to the buff costs (and there very well could be), I'm thinking that we'll add in some storage items and possibly a first tier empowerment station. Since we use the tech salvage for base-building, I'm thinking that the arcane line of buff stations are probably the right choice (although we could theoretically buy all six eventually).

Of course, this is all subject to change if the devs tweak the buffs before going live.

Tags: base_


Blogger Palcioz said...

I haven't been able to actually get on test to try this out, but according to the forums, it looks like you can set permissions as to who is able to remove things from the bins. Unfortunately, I don't believe that there is a "only the person who placed it" option. It looks like the devs implemented this as shared storage instead of personal storage.

I'm thinking that the enh/insp bins will generally be available for anybody (or maybe slacker+) in the VG to withdraw. The idea would be to make enhancements and inspirations available to other members of the VG. I may make salvage only accessible to EGs (really, to OC) since the empowerment stations seem pretty worthless and the salvage storage is pretty small. (You can carry more salvage on you than will fit in a bin.)

5/02/2006 07:01:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

You can put in multiple enhancement bins, although we'll need a power upgrade before we can stick too many in. You also can't put different permissions on each bin, or even different permissions on each type of bin. There's only one permission for "withdraw anyting from storage", and another for "deposit anything in storage".

One idea I saw on the forums was to use the tech/arcane difference to indicate what is personal and what is for the group. Obviously, it'd have to be on the honor system, and the logging system has giant loopholes in it, but we're a small enough VG that I think we can trust each other with it.

5/03/2006 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Actually, there's a nice little label telling you who put the enhancement there, visible by just openning the container (so no going through logs). The security provided by logging has holes you could sail an aircraft carrier through, though, so any enhancement storage would have to be on the honor system.

There are a few posts by Positron indicating that the storage items will no longer require control and power and that the salvage storage limit will be increased to 2500 per item. Additionally, the salvage requirements for empowerment stations are supposed to decrease a bit after a bugfix.

It looks like there are at least 2 patches going to test before I7 goes live. I'll hold off any judgement about how we'll use these new items until more details become available.

5/03/2006 06:00:00 PM  

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