Monday, May 22, 2006

Per the thread here, all test chars will be temporarily wiped and we will be able to create brand new level 40 heroes or villains from May 24th at around 11:00 am Central to May 26th around 8:00 am Central....So, we should get a few SG villain pvp teams going and try some crazy pvp builds - as a team, see what (if anything) the fuss over pvp is all about, and see how much damage we can cause intentionally.

Things to try:
All flying claws/spines stalkers.
All ar/x corruptors with heavy slotting in snipe (no trail to see where shots fired from)
All thug mms for massive pet fest (hello real GANG WAR!)
All elec brutes for massive tele-smash?
All /traps corrs & mms + tfoe for massive gank field fest.

And a million more other fun things I'm sure. I'll definitely be putting in a few hours during this even, hopefully I'll be able to get my standard global (@lobster) - if only just to test thugs, elec brutes, & TA in pvp. Thoughts?
Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like loads of fun. Count me in.

5/22/2006 11:34:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...!

5/24/2006 08:01:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Heh, I saw pretty much no one on live side during the event, nor anyone really on test.

I did try out:

elec/elec brute - def making one on live. tox dmg rapes me. really want to work CJ into my build.
thug/ta - note to self: take aid other/self on live. Not sure how I'm going to fit it in, maybe skip Gang War...
thug/traps - got an ice tank down to almost dead and made him hibernate twice before 2 or 3 friends of his showed up and took 5-10 mins to kill me
mind/kin - just wanted to try out tk, was fairly unimpressed but it wasn't the best circumstances. very hard to kill anything. far cry from the 50 EPPed out mind controllers who were mauling me on test before
inv/mace tank - just wanted to try out mace. Pretty much what you'd expect from at tank. Hard to kill, but couldn't kill anything.
nin/nin stalker - no stamina, teleport + flight. I love ninja blade, absolutely love it. why can't it be a scrapper set? The /nin heal is pretty sweet too. I'll make one of these someday...
dark/energy stalker - dark primary seemed to suck except the fear and self heal. Self heal was pretty low too. Damage seemed quite sub par, but shadow maul is a pretty poor pvp power with that horrid animation time, and midnight grasp did damage too slow to kill anything.
ice/dark corruptor - just wanted to see what having 3 holds was like. End usage on ice/ is HORRIBLE! I would run out of end on an even con warden every time. That's 3 slotted stamina, probably without end reds in attacks though, I forget.

What I wish I'd tried:
elec/elec blaster
/cold & /fire corrs
em stalker
axe tank

Wish they'd do this kind of thing more often, what a blast!

5/26/2006 07:31:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Figures they end this event the day before I get back. Well, I'm back. See you all in-game!

5/27/2006 09:08:00 AM  

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