Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Base Update

I've installed 1 inspiration storage, 1 enhancement storage, 3 salvage storage, and 1 arcane empowerment station into the base. Everything is along the north side of the base, starting just beyond the library and going back towards the basement. This is semi-temporary -- I'll do a more thorough revamp of the base when I have more time, probably this weekend.

Keep in mind that all storage is accessible to all full members (slacker and above). Also, there are likely still some bugs remaining in the system, so use at your own risk.

Edit: Added the Grandville beacon, too. It's attached to the teleporter next to the Nerva/StM one.

Edit 2: There are known issues with base storage. Specifically, "If a player is kicked out of his/her base when putting items in storage - the items may be lost. It is also possible that items may be lost from storage if a storage container is moved more than a few feet in the base editor." I again emphasize, use at your own risk.

Edit 3: I've added the 2nd tier arcane empowerment station. I don't quite have enough salvage to make the 3rd tier one. (Specifically, I'm short 3 Essences and 6 Glyphs.) Since OC is the salvage collector, I'm dumping the components I do have in the second arcane salvage bin in the basement so OC can craft one and put it in the base.

Tags: base_


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