Tuesday, June 06, 2006


...is live! My CoH is updating now -- looks like a 37.1MB patch in addition to the predownload.

So, are we going to rerun the badge contest?

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

I wouldnt mind. But this is the worst possible week for me. I wont really get to play until next monday, by then, I expect you guys to have really blown past me. Just makes me upset. Damn family obligations lol. I called an woke up WX so she could get her and OC on for some action today. I'll be on sometime after 9 Eastern tonight for a while i suspect.

Maybe I can take my laptop with me.... but then WX wont stay with us. GRRRR. BAD CRYPTIC!

6/06/2006 09:53:00 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

I was expecting next week & at least one more big patch on test first...but OK Cryptic WHaTEver!

Seriously though wow, now I just don't know what to do - newb or high end content? I'm not sure if I have anyone I'm actually jazzed about taking to 50 yet. The PP powers just don't excite me at all, especially the pets not being perma.

Odds are I'll be on a new thug/ta tonight.../shrug

6/06/2006 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I'll be on tonight working on Siccero's patron arc with Pal, in case anybody wants to join me. For those of you starting lowbies, keep an eye out for new recruits among the new characters. :)

6/06/2006 12:43:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Expansion server: Protector?

I'm not sure how close any of you are to filling up your accounts on Pinn, but with my Thug/mm goes my last slot (even on 2 accounts!).

I'm not willing to delete anyone else, yet I want an elec/elec. Solution, time to expand to a new server. I've got several alts on infinity already, but that happens to be another East coast server.

If I'm going to play on another server seriously, it might as well be a West coast server so it's not down when Pinn is, I figure.

My vote is for Protector since I have a few brutes started there.

I'm not sure if anyone else is even in the same state I am in this regard, but I figure I might as well make it "official" and establish a branch there for other longtimers who may either be full on slots or be looking for a new server dynamic.

6/06/2006 03:05:00 PM  

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