Monday, June 12, 2006

Lessons from I7

(1) My computer likes to crash at inopprotune moments, especially while SJing around Grandville and landing in the middle of a bunch of Bane Spiders.

(2) The second Scirroco arc ends on a really cool (so far) unique outdoor map. This map includes two Ice Mistrals to defeat.

(3) The new Arachnoid caves are visually very nice.

(4) There were waypoints to the hostages in a rescue-hostages-type mission. Unfortunately, the hostages weren't actually at those locations. Also unfortunately, they were tiny little spiderlings that were very difficult to spot. Additionally unfortunately, the map was an outdoor version of Grandville, complete with massive visual lag, three levels of platforms to explore, and tunnels running underneath the whole thing. None of the hostages were on the ground level.

(5) In an effort to up the annoying-ness of that contact, the following mission was a defeat-all-longbow. In an Arachnos base. Where every spawn but the last one was a pair of Spec-Ops. And where the boss was bugged so he "escaped" and you failed the mission as soon as you attacked him. (No, there were no knockback powers involved. I don't have any.)

(6) Sigh...

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

And you guys wonder why I'm holding off on my "enjoyment" of that 40+ content!

*cackles madly* By the time I get to it it might actually be functional!

6/12/2006 06:18:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be up for some lvl 41+ teaming tonight.

6/13/2006 06:13:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sigh..... Maybe I WONT be able to play tonight.

6/13/2006 04:27:00 PM  

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