Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Well, this would seem to be the opportune time to try to find some new members. It seems that it might be more fruitful to recruit in the lower levels...I'll get a new alt started and see if I can find anybody interesting to team with this weekend. Anybody else have brand-newbies that would like to come?

If you have any other ideas for getting new members, feel free to speak up. I know Mav's been working on some of our higher level friends, but I'm going to make more of an effort to take some random people on teams and see if there are any worth recruiting.

On a side note, sorry about this evening...CoH hard-crashed on me while exitting the mission, and it's getting kind of late anyway.

Tags: admin_


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, i always have more fun with a TE team than with others. GO US! And no worries Bal. I7 has been rough on us all. After that mission, i ran through a bunch of WX's alts newspaper missions to get mayhem missions and now I only lack the PI exploration badge! WOOT! Thats more fun than lagging around GV anyways. =]

6/15/2006 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is also this GREAT badge tracking site called City Information Terminal that gives a bunch of details about new badges that came with issue 7. (Yes, I know, a shameless plug, but hey, I'm proud of it).

Basically, Grave hit the nail on the head. If you havent downloaded the free guide, do so. I know, i know, a LOT of the info is wrong. But it does give some info that is CORRECT about Mayhem missions. Every 5 levels you get a new map as well, starting with Atlas Park, Kings Row, Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Independence Port, Talos Island, Brickstown, Founders Fall, and finally Peregrine Island.

There is one exploration badge per map, and if you get all of them you get an accolade (comparable to Task Force Commander i think...). There are also badges for destroying a certain amount of cars, or vault doors, or police, etc etc etc. Good stuff!

6/15/2006 01:29:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe these Mayhem Maps I did will help you. (I'm working on the installer atm so you can see them in-game).
Atlas Park
Kings Row
Skyway City
Steel Canyon
Independence Port
Talos Island
Founders Fall
Peregrine Island

The keys and locks are side missions you can do. They are as follows:
Blue: Breakout (Jail)
Yellow: Kidnap
Green: Smash & Grab (Store)
Red: Arson
White: Raid

6/15/2006 01:54:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Forgot to mention that the lower level missions wont have all 5 of those side missions. It will randomly pick one. The higher level mission (level, not difficulty), the more side missions it puts in.

6/15/2006 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have 2 other alts that i play with when im bored, just a heads up, im gonna be gone for the next 4 weeks, i will not have acess period. good luck to all!

6/16/2006 10:48:00 PM  

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