Sunday, June 18, 2006

Skipping "Verifying files..."

You can start CoH/V directly (bypassing the updater) by creating a shortcut to the actual program file (CityOfHeroes.exe). Edit the shortcut, and add " -project coh" (no quotes) after everything else that's currently in the Target line. In particular, if the path in the target line is already in quotes, do not remove them; the " -project coh" should be added after the existing quotes.

You can do the same for the test server, except with " -project cohtest". If you miss a patch, the game will tell you and not let you log on. Just run the updater as usual and you'll be good to go.

On a side note, check out this thread if you're interested in using your gladiators for your badge title.

Tags: misc_


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