Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thursday Indigo x2

Okay, I've been saddled with not one but two missions to go take out Indigo. Anybody feel like taking out Paragon City's most reclusive contact? The one who hangs out way in the back of the only city zone to not have a tram and sends you on frequent delivery missions to PI and AP? Twice?

I'll probably be aiming to do these Thursday night around 8pm EDT (approx), as I have a rather large project to work on tomorrow. Find me if you're interested in helping out and (time permitting) teaming a bit afterwards. Expect to fight her as a level 46 EB or AV, depending on team size. The missions are from the mad scientist guy and the spider girl in case you want to double up on the Indigoness (the 45-50 contacts, not the 40-45 ones).

PS -- when you get temp powers from the 45-50 mad scientist guy, use them up each mission until he says that he's giving you the last one. They don't get refilled unless they're gone.

Tags: misc_


Blogger Unknown said...

I'd love to help, as WX and I have been knocking EBs outta the park all week, but we're leaving Thursday morning and won't be back until Sunday evening. We were going to be on, but happened to get tickets to Superman Returns, and since my FAVORITE comic book character of ALL TIME is Superman, we decided to see the movie. Hope all goes well with the missions.

6/28/2006 01:59:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

No worries. If nothing else, she should be soloable as an EB with the right inspirations.

6/28/2006 09:15:00 AM  

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