Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Venemous badge

It looks like that I'm on my last two story arcs for the 40-45 range, so I'm going to be trying to unlock the contact Number 204 later this week. He requires defeating 200 Toxic Tarantulas, of which there are plenty in Grandville (abit level 43-44 at the lowest, but they're mostly solo and occasionally duo). I'm going to aim for clearing out the rest of my badge (160 or so) on Wednesday night -- feel free to drop me a line if you want to join me for some or all of it.

Edit: Okay, let's say Wednesday at 9pm EDT. Feel free to join in late if you want.

Tags: events_


Blogger Andy said...

So how did this go?

6/22/2006 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Reasonably fast for a 200 kill-count badge. There's at least a couple of different areas in Grandville where the TT's spawn solo or in pairs at level 42-43ish, and with a mid-sized team (3-4 people) you can cruise around a circuit that will respawn at roughly the same speed that you can clear it.

When the team expanded to 7 members, we strung out enough that we were outpacing the respawn. (Having all 7 concentrate on one TT was overkill.) Fortunately, there are some secondary spawn areas that we could move to while the first was repopulating.

On a side note, Number 204 has only a 6-mission story arc. The story was a bit unexciting (at least compared to what I was guessing would happen halfway through), and it had a couple of annoying kill-all missions involving that new giant multi-level Arachnos room with the big ramps going through the center. Note that one of the elevators works (the other doesn't), and it will take you to a higher platform not reachable via the ramps that has additional mobs to fight. On a positive note, there was a nice reasonably-sized outdoor Gutter map with at least a half-dozen bosses to fight (solo/Relentless). That one was pretty fun.

6/22/2006 03:04:00 PM  

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