Sunday, July 02, 2006

Base Update

We're within a few hundered thousand prestige of buying the next big upgrade to our base. Here are our two main options:

(1) Upgrade the plot. Although this won't make an immediate visible difference, it will let us buy more rooms later. We've currently filled the 8x12 plot, and the next step up will be 12x12. This would be the best option for building towards a nice big RP/PvE base.

(2) Buy the turbine generator. OC has been lugging this thing around for quite some time. We'll get a big boost in power, which would allow us to reinstall the arcane worktables. However, we don't really have room for the arcane tables due to the empowerment/storage items, and we don't really need them either, since we're using tech base upgrades. This would be the option for building a raidable base; however, I haven't heard any interest in getting into the base defending scene. (The raid teleporter allows us to attack in instant raids, although we've never even used it.)

I'm in favor of (1), as I don't think any of us are really into instant base raids, and IoPs are essentially vaporware. Our base is fully outfitted with everything we can get for the PvE game (except for a couple of medical upgrades that we need healing badges for), so the prestige that we're earning would go towards expanding the base and installing more storage when we need it.

Once we earn the next couple hundred prestige, I'll do a thorough reworking of the base with the new tinting options. So, please comment here if you have any input as to what the next upgrade should be (one of the above or something else) or what type of design scheme you'd like to see.

Tags: base_


Blogger Unknown said...

I vote for option 1 as well. Plus, lugging this thing around is working on my muscle mass. Oh, and I'm back in town now. I'm shooting for lvl 44 tonight! YAY!

7/03/2006 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Base plot has been upgraded. There aren't any visible changes to the base yet (without going into the editor). I'm thinking of pushing the raid teleporter back another room and expanding the "briefing area" into that 3x3 room. We'll still have room for another 3 2x2 rooms in addition to that -- any ideas?

7/04/2006 10:30:00 PM  

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