Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Items of Power

According to Cricket, the CoP trial is going live before scheduled base raids. What this means is that, until the base raids go live, we're free to capture IoPs without fear of being raided.

If I remember correctly, the IoP is targetted at a maximum of 24 players, although I believe it's been done with a team of 8. Players of all levels will be able to participate.

I'm hoping that this will go live with the new base rooms, which will allow us to convert several of our decorative rooms into cheaper versions (saving us 50k-100k each). Regardless, I'll revamp the base to hold an IoP once it goes live, and we can give this monster a try.

I knew we had a raid teleporter for a reason. :)

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Here's the quick summary:

A SG wins an IoP initially by completing the CoP trial, given through the mission computer and entered through the raid teleporter. The CoP trial can accomodate up to 24 players from the same SG. You should be able to find a description of the trial itself on the forums somewhere. Starting the trial requires 6 anchors, 1 empty IoP base, a raid teleporter, and a mission computer. The trial is entirely PvE.

Once the trial is beaten, a random IoP is automatically placed on the IoP base. The trial can be completed multiple times in the 7-day window when it's open. After the trial closes, no new IoPs can be earned. The trial reopens after 21 more days, at which point all existing IoPs are removed and the process starts again.

The connection to base raids is that IoPs are supposed to make you vulnerable to scheduled raids. Once in possession of an IoP, the SG leader needs to set two raid windows, when the base can be raided. If the attackers succeed, one of your IoPs is transfered to their base. This is the only way to obtain an IoP during the 21 days when the trial is closed. The exact details of scheduled base raids are a bit murky, as they're currently broken and disabled.

So, the short version is that the devs are putting the PvE portion of IoPs (the CoP trial) live and just disabling the PvP portion until some point in the nebulous future when it's fixed. Thus, SGs can win IoPs without fear of their base being raided, at least for the near future.

I say we give the CoP a shot when it's live -- my understanding was that it was doable with a team of 8, and we don't have to worry about defending it until the PvP portion goes live.

7/25/2006 02:15:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Don't we have a ton of extra prestige now as well from the 20k/person bonus? I'd think we'd have plenty to put some of this stuff in.

What are the level reqs on the CoP trial? I'd be more than willing to tank that one on Filth if the trial allows access to 38 powers.

7/25/2006 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just want the badge! =D

7/25/2006 04:02:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I haven't been keeping up on the CoP information, but my impression was that you get auto-LKed to some level (probably 40 or 50), similar to as in a PvP zone. I could be wrong about that, though. I believe that the trial may be no-XP, because most of the mobs are spawning out of portals, but I'm even less sure about this than the auto-LKing.

And yes, we have plenty of prestige to install the anchors, vault, and IoP base. We don't have plenty of prestige if you want to make a defense-oriented base, but I don't think that's our plan anyway.

7/25/2006 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be willing to help out if you any, I dont know the restrictions but if i can help, i will. I support Team Evil 1000000000000000000000000000000000%! GOTEAMEVIL!

7/26/2006 07:24:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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7/27/2006 12:12:00 PM  

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