Thursday, July 13, 2006

Recluse SF

You guys probably already know this, but there is a bug in the Recluse SF right now where you can spawn the heroes at lower levels - I think this is done by running it on relentless. It is fixed on test, I don't think it has hit live yet??? Maybe it has. Anyway, just saying you might want to take a "practice" run at it before they fix it. Sure wish I had a 47+ to go along with you but I'm just not motivated by end game content & PPs for any of my characters yet.

Oh, I'm still around, I've just been slumming on champion lately playing with some newbie doms since my Pinn stable is full the funk up.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, I'd love to give it a stab. That SF is chock FULL of badge goodness that I need! =]

7/13/2006 11:28:00 AM  

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