Friday, July 28, 2006

RSF After-action report

Well, we were short a few people and ran this without what is generally considered the "optimal" AT distribution of 4ish corruptors and 1-2 brutes. We were:

3 MMs (Grave Sorcerer, Mie, and Droid Master)
3 Brutes (Capio, Bad Mike, and Dreadfyre Wraith)
1 Stalker (Dark Moon)
and 1 Dominator (me)

The first two missions went reasonably well -- Crimson with his EB escorts, Kronos Titan, and the Malta MM AV whose name escapes me were all fairly straightforward to defeat. We took a while taking out Psyche/Numina/Manticore/BaB in the ruins of AP, but we managed to finally pull that off. We were around 4 hours into the thing when we finally called it quits against the Vindicators, although it was more out of fatigue than defeat. We managed to single pull Swan once and almost defeat her, but we got Swan/Luminary/Mynx the second time. After this wipe, we called it a night seeing how we didn't expect to be able to take out the 54 AVs in the next mission anyway.

I unfortunately won't have time to run another of these for a while, as I'm pretty booked for this weekend, I have an old friend from grade school visiting during the week, and it's my wife's and my first anniversary next weekend. Feel free to schedule one without me, though, and I'll see if I can make it.

Thanks for coming, everybody -- I've been curious about this SF for a while. 3 more levels on Bray, and I can bring him instead.

Tags: events_


Blogger Palcioz said...

Thanks, GS.

7/30/2006 12:02:00 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Gratz Pal!

I've been somewhat AWOL for now and the near forseeable future - all that grinding last week just burned me out on the game. I'm taking a little break in hopes that I'll be back to enjoying it in a few weeks.

I may be on my ice/ss tank hero side occasionally, as I do have a blast herding up big mobs and then killing them for 15-20 minutes at a time.

7/30/2006 08:26:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Pal!

And now that I'm back in town (for good for a while I hope), I'm all set for a RSF.

7/31/2006 09:18:00 AM  

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