Friday, August 25, 2006

Base Update and Personal Appartments

The base is now mostly-decorated, with only the main teleport chamber left to do. (I'm actually a bit at a loss what to do with it -- there's not really room spacially or thematically to make part of the room another social area, so I'll probably end up just throwing a few desks and LCDs in the room and calling it a day.

The base was redesigned for easy navigation, unlike the previous base, where the teleporters were pushed into the back corner rather far away from the entry. From the entrance, you should turn left for the teleporters and control room and straight for the med bay and inspiration storage. Directly past the med bay is the empowerment station (all buffs are available from the most advanced version, so we don't need the other 2) and the enhancement storage. Our secondary salvage storage is in the basement by the empowerment station -- there's a (much) larger storage room in the back-right corner of the base. Along the right side of the base are various decorative rooms, including a meeting/ceremony hall with banners from our allies (and enemies) and a ballroom/meeting room with an open bar and custom wood floor. Also along the right side of the base is the "CuppaJo Cafe", lounge area, and workshop.

One nice bonus of having extra room is that we have room for 5 2x1 apartments in the back of the base. I was thinking that it'd be cool to divvy them up among the members (either by rank, by prestige earnings, by seniority, or something else), although we'd have to figure something out with the editting permissions to allow people to personalize their space. Any suggestions on how to do all of this? Alternatively, if this would just be a big can of worms, I can just convert them into generic apartments not specifically claimed by anybody or rip out the apartments entirely in favor of more open communal space (although I'm at a loss as to what else to install). To keep with the base design, the "owners" wouldn't be able to adjust the floor/ceiling heights, wall styles, or main room lighting, and they'd be limitted to adding non-functional decorative items, plus no banners (mainly because the banners are in a delicate state in order to maintain our grand hall). However, you can do quite a bit with just the basic decorative times. Any thoughts?

On a side note, I'm temporarily removing the "secret club" beyond the basement to ensure that we can make our rent this week. Any prestige earned beyond our next rent payment will go towards reinstalling that room.

Tags: base_


Blogger Andy said...

Wow, crazy, last I checked we had a ton of prestige from that double xp/prestige weekend. Is rent that expensive or did we get a bunch of upgrades?

I'm for either way. Randoms appts or personals. If its personals, maybe we could do something fun like have an arena battle off for them if there are more senior members than slots?

Not that I'd win a pvp battle, but it would be fun. :)

8/27/2006 11:23:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

Upgrades. We're now on the 12x12 plot (3rd one), and sufficient rooms to fill the whole thing out. Rent was just under 200k, and we should be paid up until around mid-October.

8/28/2006 09:16:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Saw a pretty awesome teleporter room. The colors leave some to be desired, but I do like the overall layout.


8/29/2006 06:16:00 PM  

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