Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blinkie Finder

After teaming with Bal on two missions that I could only see about a dozen of the guys on (total), we got to talking about Blinkie Finder. This is a utility that I've been using for a while and told Bal I'd post a link to.

Basically, I've created two binds, very similar to the instructions on the website.

F11 (/bind f11 "demorecord demo")
F12 (/bind f12 "demostop")

I just tap those buttons, and away I go!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Andy said...

Huh, this reminds me of whatever program I set up a linux box for to monitor Everquest with. It was some kind of packet sniffer thing and determined where everything on your current map was. Very handy for that jboots camp in Ro... :) :). Of course, the fact that it still took me like 70 consecutive to get the fucking things!!! Horrible, hateful game.

Anyway, my point was that wound up getting some people banned eventually. I wonder if this will do the same? Or at least get the function of the demorecorder drastically weakened?

In the meantime, I'm sure I'll try it out!

8/31/2006 12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, it has been around since January I believe. And it just reads the text file. Something like ParagonMaps or even CIT would get banned quicker I would think because we're actually using graphics from the pigg files. But I've been using the Blinkie Finder for a while. Love it!

8/31/2006 06:27:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

That's a much cooler program than I was imagining. Thanks for the link, OC.

9/01/2006 04:46:00 PM  

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