Monday, September 04, 2006

Private apartments

Since we have exactly 4 active Evil Geniuses (Omicron Cypher, Burning Bush, Voltaic Bot, and me) and 1 active Enforcer (Mie), it seems logical to give the 5 private apartments in the base to them. It also makes base editting permissions easy to assign. If/when we have enough prestige to upgrade the plot again, we'll have room for more personal space -- this will require approximately another 3 million prestige, though.

I've claimed the 2nd room, and OC claimed the last one. I put a big lateral file in the doorway to OC's room to mark it off, and mine is already decorated. Feel free to claim any of the empty rooms.

Here are four basic guidelines that will prevent a lot of headaches later: (In more blunt terms, how to not screw up other parts of the base.)
  • Please don't change the lighting or wall/ceiling/trim styles -- they apply to the entire room, not just your apartment. If you want more light in your room, add lights -- I recommend the Tech 2 lights, the torches, or the Shoji lamps. If you don't like the trim, you can put small items on the walls to force it to hide. Whoever gets the first room will almost definitely want to do this, as the ceiling trim was chosen for the storage area, not the apartment area.

  • Please don't use the SG banners. Each banner that has something other than the TE logo can only be used once, or else it will revert all other banners of that type back to the TE logo. Basically, it's very easy to screw up the main atrium or the oversight room by using banners, and they don't really fit anyway.

  • Please don't spend more than 30k prestige on your room -- I doubt that you'll use that much, since most decorative items only cost 100 prestige each, but we currently have about 120k in the bank, and it'd be good to split it evenly to start. For an idea on how much 30k will buy you, the furnishings in my room cost 5400 prestige (not including the pillars).

  • Please don't add any functional items. If you think that the base needs more of some particular functional item, tell me, and I'll stick it somewhere in the public areas. Basically, anything under the "arcane" tab or to the right of it is decorative, anything to the left of the "arcane" tab is functional. Ironically, anything you can craft and add via "Add personal item" is also a functional item, so you can just ignore the whole crafting thing.

If any of you have questions about how to use the editor, feel free to ask.

Tags: base_


Blogger Andy said...

I'd vote for: kill, mangle, destroy. to apply those to interior decorating...

Also: Woot now my alts have a place to camp out! If only they could log in/out directly into the base!

9/15/2006 07:53:00 PM  
Blogger Palcioz said...

I'm still waiting for your interior-decorator-impression of MDK. Or KMD in your case, I guess. :)

Hope to catch you in-game sometime, Lobster.

9/18/2006 11:42:00 PM  

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