Friday, September 08, 2006

Viridian badge hunt

Tomorrow (Saturday) at 3:30 pm eastern, Omicron Cypher and I will be going for the Infiltrator, Tank Buster, and Tracer badges, which are the three required to unlock Viridian. We'll get Infiltrator (Paragon Protectors) by farming one of Bray's Crey missions (~20 PPs per reset, assuming a full team), and the other two will probably be through street hunting in St. Martial.

Tags: events_


Blogger Unknown said...

I had a lot of fun on that badge hunt. And thanks for organizing, Bal. Last night was all about badges for me. I farmed some rep in Warburg with EM & a friend's account as well as doing the Justine Augustine TF (which was a BLAST!).

I'd love to have a badge night once or twice a month. I think that would be a lot of fun. I'd still like to give Ice Mistral another run soon.

9/10/2006 11:32:00 AM  

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