Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Holloween Event

Hey everyone. They Holloween Event starts today. I'd like to ask a small favor. If anyone has any extra Event Salvage (Back Alley Brawler Gloves, Statesman Mask, Lord Recluce Helmet, or Hamidon Costume), I'm trying to collect some extra for my brothers who are not currently able to play because their accounts are down. If you could meet me in-game, or just drop it off in the base (Team Evil or Patrol for villains or heroes), I would really appreciate it!

Tags: misc_


Blogger Palcioz said...

There's an extra Hami costume and BaB gloves in the basement storage unit. If I have time to do extra doors, I'll stick any additional salvage in there, too.

10/24/2006 10:23:00 AM  

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